Futura and sci-fi… (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 08:07 (3548 days ago) @ PackLeader89

Well, it may have to do with just picking a font that is easy to read for common use. That is the reason why Helvetica-derived fonts are so popular--they are easy on the eyes and they are quick to capture and read.

Bungie doesn't expect us to read Futura and Cromwell all day. But they do want a smooth interface. I would settle on that.

I'm sure they're trying to do that too, but that hasn't stopped them using interesting typefaces in the past: they've used Interstate, DIN, Trade Gothic and Handel Gothic throughout the Halo series, and they've all worked well to communicate style as well as being interesting, legible typefaces.

The problem I have with Helvetica in particular is that it's about as characterless a typeface as you can imagine. It doesn't look sci-fi any more (or less) than it looks like something from an instruction manual for a hi-fi, or the controls on a washing machine. Futura on the other hand…

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