
Futura and sci-fi… (Destiny)

by Mars ⌂, Portland, OR, Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 09:19 (3846 days ago) @ kapowaz

I've gotta say, the UI Team's choices of typefaces has really confused me a bit. They're doing a great job with Neue Haas Grotesk, but Helvetica-esque fonts are pretty boring. I did see Revui's video on the UI design and I understood his reasoning for using such a legible font, but I was conflicted with their choice. It's better than a lot of terrible typefaces, but it's pretty boring and isn't used in an amazing way. But maybe that's the benefit of using that!

It's also pretty confusing when they pair multiple sans-serif typefaces that are so similar. It gets kinda confusing and differences in type hierarchy become less obvious especially when it comes to pairing Neue Haas and Open Sans (or whatever it is). I don't think a serif font would have been smart, but I'd love to see David Candland talk about his team's decisions either in a podcast or a GDC like video!

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