Pay to play… (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Monday, August 25, 2014, 07:49 (3841 days ago) @ Yapok

Blizzard's hearthstone arena mode is kindof like that, spend a certain amount of ingame currency that takes days to get for a chance at good loot - provided you dont fail three times.

One other (potentially) important thing regarding Hearthstone's arena mode: it costs either 150 gold (the in-game currency) or: $1.99 USD, €1.79 EUR or £1.49 GBP (also 4.50 BRL if there are any Brazilians here). This means that whilst you have the choice to grind for gold, you also have the alternative of paying for entry.

Now, whilst there are similarities with Hearthstone, it's worth remembering that Hearthstone is fundamentally a collectible card game, so it's expected that players will either be grinding or paying for cards. What I'm wondering is whether by this analogy we might see Bungie selling motes of light for real money as an in-game purchase; if they're not used directly to gain items (but rather, indirectly, as rewards from activities for which they are currency to participate) then it's possible they might be willing to go down that route.

It would be a pretty controversial choice though, so I'm not too surprised that they've kept it quiet; I can well imagine a lot of PvP fans being very pissed off about this…

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