Did your parents give you those 1/4s or did u grind 4 them? (Destiny)

by yakaman, Monday, August 25, 2014, 08:46 (3841 days ago) @ scarab

How did you come by those quarters?

Frankly, my time is more valuable than my money.

so micro-transactions might help? ;-)

Anyway, I'm just winding you up. Though you do buy your money with your time IRL; somebody paid for those quarters.

I'm guessing that there will be very little grind for great players, or for players with specific skill sets. Speed runners, trickers, platformers, FPS-masters - they'll have motes falling into their laps. Who knows, Cody might be that arcade ace that people paid so they could see levels they wouldn't otherwise get to.

I was that ace for My Hero and Mat Mania, but 1987 was a long time ago. ;-)

Eh, will have to see how this plays out. On one hand, exclusivity, challenge, esteem, and honor. On the other, bitterness, grind, pettiness, and frustration. How bad the briefing for some poor soul that goes 8-19 and costs Superstar McGee their 3rd loss?

Maybe they're trying to create a place for all the uber-competatives to gather?

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