
Chew your steak, remember? *Chew* it. Taste it. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 09:58 (3526 days ago) @ Malagate

Sounds like you need a good hard pat on the back there, Cody.

Can you really have expected a whole bunch of new stuff to open up for you on hitting level 20? Be serious, man.

I actually did. When Bungie says the game STARTS at level 20, to me that meant tons of new missions and shit to do. I know other MMO games have tons of exclusive stuff only max level people can do, i.e. stuff you don't even see at lower level.

I have not yet been in Seraphim's Vault or the Jovian complex. Either those DO open up after I reach a certain level, or they are DLC areas in which Bungie has committed the sin of on disc DLC.

Whichever is true, it's dumb because I'm here scratching my head as to what to do. The idea that they said the meat of the game is after level 20, and there being absolutely nothing compelling after level 20 - that's my complaint. Play a strike or story mission on a harder difficulty. In the ones I played literally the only difference is the number over the head of what you are shooting.

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