
I also get it. I also love it. Hope Metacritic wont hurt it. (Destiny)

by kornman00, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 09:49 (3734 days ago) @ Numinar

People need to understand that Destiny REQUIRES the player base to be as fun as it is. This is more than likely one of the major reasons why fucking Rare+ loot is actually fucking Rare+.

It's been really annoying hearing some people gripe about not getting some rare crap after EVERY single Crucible game. It doesn't give you a chance to use and upgrade your existing stuff. Nor does it help to keep you in the game in the long run. What good is Destiny if people get their character up to max level within a week of the game, and their inventory/vault is maxed out with Exotic crap? No good comes out of that other than to please those lacking access to ritalin. They will just *move* on to another game shortly after at that rate.

The pace in Destiny is just right. There's 3 classes to play with 3 subclasses to rank up. Each class even has its own armor. When it comes time to level these space dudes/dudets and their bits up, there's multiple alien factions to strike and fight against that are unique as well.

Not having everything open or "unlocked" on the first day I think helps enforce the pace which Bungie is trying to get the player to follow. But there lies the problem they need to address to reviewers/players. They're trying to break the status quo of pre-Destiny games while seemingly expecting the masses to *understand* and accept this. You can only build *up* so high before it becomes infeasible to go higher, which means you have to start thinking/expanding laterally. This is how the content in the game is laid out.

Anyway, I like to think that those without a narrow view are still stuck in Destiny to raise their head up and see what words the echoing chamber of the internets is sounding off, before letting their own be heard (like I am now). I mean, Bungie can actively see and analyze the numbers of the game and its players, and don't appear to be trying to form any 'damage control' just yet.

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