A Thought About Destiny's Reception (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Monday, September 15, 2014, 21:12 (3820 days ago) @ Fuertisimo

I think I'm an extreme minority here about this, but I absolutely love the Phogoth battle, and so has everyone else I've played with (at least six different people to this point, I think). We don't pick off the little guys first. We have a strategy of where we set up, and we take turns blasting at the guy while watching each other's backs and doing call outs.

We also tried hiding in the doorway that leads in, but Bungie knew there would be people like us who would try that, and bam, endless supply of Wizards and Knights and floaty death within the room itself.

Sure, there's a boring bullet-sponge experience of killing off the tiny guys before taking on the big guy, but sometimes it's just more fun challenging yourself and seeing how much Phogoth can really take. Same with Sepiks. It's fun watching people run up and melee or blade dance these guys and survive. It's fun trying to confuse the AI. It's also fun trying to land on Phogoth's head to unload on him from above, though I can't say I've had much success with that. :P

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