Is this Rasputin? (possible spoilers) ^this (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, September 29, 2014, 10:26 (3514 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)

My "translation": "IT" is the Darkness, "garden" is now the Black Garden and "flowers" referring to the Garden's contents, "black flame" and "stolen un-fire" are energy drawn from the Darkness, "the gardener" is the Traveller. Dunno abour "aurora knives", save maybe that they're a form of Light weaponry. I don't insist any of this is right, but thinks sorta make sense that way.

Concerning "Garden" as referenced by Rasputin actually being the "Black Garden". My understanding is that the Myth and naming of the "Black Garden" predates the end of the first war with The Darkness. Rasputin is certainly writing after the start of that war, and after we've found and fought the Vex and Hive. I think his use of "Garden" here is separate from the "Black Garden", which is why I hypothesize that the "Garden" is our solar system, or earth. It is the New "Garden" while the "Black Garden" is the old or first Garden.

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