Let's Talk End Game (Destiny)

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 11:24 (3504 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I haven;t tired of PvP yet, so that is why I still play.

I'm not sure about other systems since I only play on 360 but the multiplayer really needs some work. I'm not talking about get mechanics as I actually find Destiny's PVP enjoyable. However I suffer from issues that seem to be poor netcode or something along those lines.

There seems to be a issue a were the server goes out of sync with what you are seeing on your screen. At first I thought it was my connection but it happens to all my friends. There are times when you will be fighting someone and the game skips forward and they are dead. It also seems to skip back and you will win a fight and than it will say you got killed by a Melee.

On top of this, this is the first game I have ever seen were someone lagging has a extreme advantage. Me and my friends now refer to it as the new standby. When they are lagging they will teleport around and you can just unload on them and you can't damage them. However I seen people doing this running with a shotty and they would always be the top person on there team.

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