Let's Talk End Game (Destiny)

by Injunfett, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 12:26 (3504 days ago) @ uberfoop

I have played every Halo game, as well as pretty much any shooter that has been released. I also use to do a lot of multiplayer testing for Activision when I use to be a tester. I can assure you what me and my friends are experiencing I have never seen in a game before. The closest thing to the player lagging issue was Halo 2 Standby but this in a reality is a poor comparison and that is only for the player lag.

I will be up at the studio live streaming our recap shows for the UMG Call of Duty tournament this weekend, after the show I will try to grab some footage. Like I said it's something I haven't seen in a first person shooter before so it's hard to explain through text.

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