
Let's Talk End Game (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, October 02, 2014, 13:10 (3504 days ago) @ Injunfett

It's almost if the game is getting actions that occur out of order and than correcting itself.

Yes, this is exactly what's happening.

Latency, slow transfers, packet loss - things can literally happen at the same time but it takes time to update everyone's boxes and resolve any ties.

The most frequent kind of network weirdness I've experienced in Destiny is were it takes a fraction of a second for other guardians to actually drop dead after I've done enough damage to them. I've started to get a feel for this and back-off around corners to protect myself from reprisals while waiting for the damage to kick in. Quite satisfying to see the enemy try to run around corners themselves, only to drop dead because I've already done enough damage to them :)

In general, I prefer Bungie's approach to networking their MP games rather than the 'skating on ice' and 'rubber banding' type weirdness you get with other architectures. Which always felt dis-empowering - like I was fighting the game itself rather than other players.

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