
So, how do you do it? (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 12:46 (3512 days ago) @ Ragashingo

So the question is, how do you entice people to play a level a second or tenth time without introducing the loot fun killer? Is it possible to reward the player without it becoming a distraction to the fun of the level/gameplay?

I've a buddy who's level 28, I'm 27, & another one of our group was 26, last night we helped him patrol the moon & find helium filaments to get him up to 27. I was surprised how fun patrol was in a group of 3 while helping him out. Our group vacillates between the questions of "what do you want to do for fun" versus "what do you need to do to level up" with the level up occupying 2/3rd of the time. I feel the driving force behind the "what do you need" question is so we can be ready for the raid. We're finally about ready to do the raid (next week maybe?) I expect after that we'll just be doing what we want for fun most of the time.

Maybe lowering the bar for the raid would have been helpful? I also really liked the idea of unlocking the "side missions" after finishing the campaign.

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