Last year's interview with Jason Jones is a revelation. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 13:12 (3512 days ago) @ car15

It's a certain group of people, as I said. It's not the entire forum.

It's enough to make this place less welcoming to newcomers like myself. I'd really like to get off this subject, but regarding my posting negative opinions in dozens of threads (which is somewhat exaggerated), I never felt that anything I had to say was off-topic until people began to complain about it. I always tried to address the issue posed in the OP, and usually what I had to say was negative, but it was at least germane to the topic.

I never said dozens of threads - I said dozens of times. Don't really have the time to back up that claim by going through and quoting all your posts that contain similar criticism, but I'd bet my estimate isn't far off. Whether it was 'dozens' or not is a little bit irrelevant - it was enough that pretty much the entire admin staff worried about what you were doing to the overall tone of the forum.

And it's not about being off-topic - it's about repeating yourself without adding anything new to the discussion. You can be totally on-topic and STILL annoying. :)

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