
You know...I think Destiny is fun. (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 13:10 (3525 days ago) @ car15

I'll say this in favor of Destiny.

Co-op works fundamentally. It just needs better content.

I still don't really know how I feel about the game, to be honest. It's the first game I've ever attempted to play online with someone who wasn't in the room with me, on a split screen. Honestly, my biggest gripe with it is the lack of split screen. I understand why they made that decision; fundamentally, all of Bungie's games have been quite different, and some work better than others for co-op play (Oni, for instance, wouldn't really work, at least I don't think it would).

Initially, I felt Bungie had missed the boat with Destiny, but I think I was bringing an expectation from Halo, and I don't think Destiny and Halo are ultimately the same kind of game. At least, I don't ingest them in the same way.

I still don't really know how I feel about it as a story; it's certainly not equal to Bungie's other endeavors, in my opinion. The gameplay is enjoyable to me at the highest levels of difficulty, though, especially in the cooperative setting. Nightfall feels like legendary difficulty Halo 3, but with more insanity/randomness. I guess I haven't played enough to know if that will get old or not, but I've played over 80 hours in a month and I'm not bored.

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