
Halo did it. Bungie forgot how. (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, October 09, 2014, 04:57 (3525 days ago) @ Riceamike

The Bungie that made the elaborate method of flying a Pelican or Phantom in Reach must not be the Bungie that made Destiny.

Dan Miller did that, and I know for a fact that he worked very hard on Destiny.

One point that I don't think anyone has made, in all this nostalgia over Halo CE (which was awesome) is that one reason we played it to death was that there was nothing better to play. I think there are more good games now, and had the field been so crowded back then, we might not have discovered all the replayability that Halo offered.

Destiny keeps surprising me. My early opinions feel premature now. I wouldn't say the investment system is what has kept me playing, but it have prompted me to replay parts of the game I might not have chosen otherwise. I finished the game a while ago, but I jump into the daily, and it feels fresh, it's not like how I remembered it, and sometimes I find it hard to believe I'd actually played it before.

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