Last year's interview with Jason Jones is a revelation. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 13:38 (3519 days ago) @ Kermit

Yea... the Grimoire should be in game. Not only is it inconvenient as it is now, but the format is miserably, miserably bad.

I actually love the Grimoire cards and how they are implemented. IMHO, the problem with the Grimoire cards is not with the Grimoire cards, it's with the lack of narrative in the game that make us hunger for the information that is only in the Grimoire cards.

I'm pretty unhappy that the stats visible on some grimoire cards are not viewable on a computer (OSX, Chrome/Safari/Firefox). I CAN see them on a mobile device, however.

It's unclear to me how this passed QA - I have ZERO control over how these are displayed. (They're not affected by window size, or font size, or anything else I can modify on the client side.) They're broken across the board on all mac browsers I've tried. (I havne't tried PC browsers.)

If you're going to put a chunk of the game somewhere other than the game, you should spend extra effort making sure it works.

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