
What do yinz/ya'll think they're patching today? (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Monday, December 01, 2014, 09:00 (3441 days ago) @ JDQuackers

I hope they're fixing the raid glitches (no teleports, partial teleports, etc.)

They're probably also "fixing" the Templar push and the Atheon push (off the front) in the VoG

They're probably buffing some/all exotics to be more powerful

I expect them to continue closing off "cheese" locations in the strikes

Changes related to materials might be included, but it's anyone's guess what Bungie has in mind. I'm surprised they haven't included micro-transactions to purchase 200 materials for $2.

It's a safe bet there's a bunch of under-the-hood stuff required to prepare for the final version of the first expansion.

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