
Radiant Materials (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 15, 2014, 10:40 (3646 days ago) @ EffortlessFury

And the worst part is that it screws over those of us with little time to play even more than we were being screwed before. With this expansion, finding time for Destiny is made even less desirable than before.

if you ran the Raid 3x per week and got nothing but shard drops, you'd have 36 per week. That's 2 weeks MINIMUM to reach level 32, and that's with an exotic. In reality, you will not even get close given you will either get gear, or energy sometime. The required materials to convert energy to shards at Eris makes it prohibitive to do en masse.

I hope their new smart loot system doesn't start awarding me gear when I already have all 4 pieces and need shards to level them up. Oh you've gotten nothing but shards lately? Here have a gun. Yay a fun drop! BUT I NEED SHARDS.

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