
Eh, whatever. (Destiny)

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Monday, December 15, 2014, 11:21 (3646 days ago) @ iconicbanana

At this point it's clear that completing hard-mode crota won't be a barrier to entry for the House of Wolves raid, so I guess I don't care. I think I'll beat Crota once or twice and then go back to the crucible, which remains the most rewarding portion of the game to me.

I can see why hardcore, 'must be highest level' guys would be irritated, but being 31 isn't going to hurt me in Iron Banner so I don't much see the point in 32.

This is why the lack of endgame content is such a big deal. We have Crucible (whose offerings are still thin compared to Halo's smorgasbord of multiplayer options) the raid (of which there are a whopping two of) and the nightfall strikes. Thats it. There simply isn't much to do in Destiny still in terms of options.

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