
Destiny has made me enjoy Dota more. (Destiny)

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Monday, December 15, 2014, 11:17 (3646 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It seems to make no sense but it actually does.

In Dota 2 I have every hero unlocked from the start. Their is no investment system other than self improvement (via ranked matchmaking or just increasing your own skill outside that, and learning new heroes and fun).

compare that to destiny where everything is a chore to work towards. If I want to use a new exotic I have to grind it out to unlock its signature ability. In dota if I want to play a new hero I just look up a youtube video and jump right in. With built in guides I don't even have to look up a video half the time.

It rewards players for sticking out because they see themselves improve, and it complexity rewards dedicated players.

Destiny is a game that actively fights against you, and every change Bungie makes makes it seem they actively hate you.

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