That's a big post :-) (Destiny)

by scarab @, Sunday, December 21, 2014, 02:22 (3640 days ago) @ Leviathan

I wont tackle it all at once.

Art Design

Golden age stuff is underwhelming, I mean the things that we are asked to scan. Dinklebot is impressed but I've scanned: pipes, electricity meters, 1970s computer cabinets and (hot water boilers?).

But I love Mars to bits, the Cabal are my faves with their 40K look, their circular tunnels and their trenches. We see damaged turrets but I think that Bungie should have put in aggressive AA fire near the trenches and established in-game that the Cabal have apparatus to block teleports inside the exclusion zone.

Because, otherwise, the trenches don't make sense. Even cabal have units that can fly over them.

I think they should have shown Vex attacks that have some Hydra with them that get shredded by AA fire from all sides when they try to fly over the trenches. This would establish that the trenches make some sense.

I like how cabal dropships pull very high gees; it makes sense given the cabal's high gee world origins.

Some of the Hive tech looks quite artistic/sophisticated. The meathooks don't but details of their seeders and some of the kit leading up to the shrine of Oryx are very nice. They aren't one tone bad guys.


I liked experimenting with them but the game tends to throw purples and golds at you and you can get sucked into the upgrade trap because signature abilities unlock late in tech trees.


I enjoyed trying out my characters' different traits but, again, those traits need to be unlocked... I liked taking part in strikes but I didn't want to be carried by my team mates so I wanted to be fully upgraded in gear, abilities, and weapons.

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