
The business model drives it (Destiny)

by Durandal, Sunday, March 22, 2015, 15:30 (3626 days ago) @ Korny

Warframe is free to play. They make money off micro-transactions, so rare parts and constant updates are pretty much part and parcel of what you would expect from someone pursuing that business model. I agree with your point that they are much more focused on putting out content then Bungie seems to be, but I don't think that is unique to them. World Of Tanks usually has a new map and tanks every few months, and is always tweaking game types and stats. You have to constantly drive players to buy new things, or take shortcuts, and that requires a pretty massive content stream. Bungie doesn't have that pressure, they have a more traditional model, and we see updates at a far slower rate commiserate with other FPS titles like COD and Battlefield.

That does not mean they are incapable, just that they have a different focus. Could they drop everything and give us space combat, more interesting Co-op missions and such? Probably. However I suspect they have other priorities.

The delay in the House of Wolves expansion did not happen lightly. In the AAA world you have significant, quantifiable losses associated with a lack of new content. Activision is very aware of how many players hit that wall and quit, or significantly reduce their play time to try other games. Bungie should not have delayed the second expansion just to give us a retread of TDB, a strike or two, a few weapons and gear and some redone levels. I suspect they are feverishly reworking it based on the ample feedback they have received, and I can only hope they have learned the right lessons.

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