
You make valid points on the game design, but... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 19:58 (3467 days ago) @ Kahzgul

your argument that RNG based loot drops are bad in PoE and chests because you didn't get a Key or good loot, but RNG based loot drops are good from Raids and ToO because you did get lots of raid gear and Etheric Lights is a terrible argument.

That's night quite what I was trying to say. I agree that the RNG system can be very frustrating, across the board. But I feel that the raids got away with it (to an extent) because when one of those really specially pieces of raid gear did drop, it usually feels worth it (or at the very least, your enthusiasm for your new toy overwhelms your frustration at how long it took to drop for you). On top of that, the rewards for Raids (and ToO) are staggered... you can complete some of the activity, get stuck, call it quits, and still walk away with something. Even if it's not what you were hoping for, you have a chance of a decent drop at several points on the way through. PoE gives you absolutely nothing until it is 100% complete, which causes problems. And even then, aside from Etheric Light, the rewards aren't particularly worthwhile.

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