Getting Robbed? (Destiny)

by Usul, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 15:57 (3279 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I feel like Im getting robbed by bungie on this new release. I know this is old news but really?

Original game 60. plus 30 for both expansions.

New Expansion SOLO is 40.

Digital Content from Legendary is 20.

Thats 150 dollars.

Legendary Edition is 80 with physical goodies. So i can pay 60 for digital editions, or I can spend 80 and get more stuff.


Do you think the expansion is not worth $40? Do you think the digital extras are not worth $20? Do you think the physical goodies are not worth an extra $20 on top of that?

Don't buy them, I guess? If you want to own everything out there, that's the price. If you just want to play the expansion, it's $40. If you don't think that's worth it... then just don't buy it. Or wait until the price goes down some time during Year 2.

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