
It's not an analogy at all (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 18:11 (3382 days ago) @ iconicbanana

Banana, I apologize if I upset you with my math or opinions, but saying that because the price of beer is not a constant around the world somehow voids my statement of what I could buy for $60 is simply false.

For me, when I think about what I can get for my $60, I think of other fun times I have, one of which is going to a bar where they sell $5 beers. 12 beers at $5 each = $60. That's math. That's not an analogy. There's no substitution or simile here. Other people in other places or buying from other sources can get more or fewer beers, but that doesn't invalidate the math at all, nor does it change the fact that $60 buys me 12 beers. I guess, if you really want to parse the purchase, it buys me 10 beers, because I'd leave a $10 tip on that tab.

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