Depreciation (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, June 26, 2015, 00:56 (3279 days ago) @ Ragashingo
edited by Avateur, Friday, June 26, 2015, 01:16

I guess I kinda gotta shrug at those people at this point then. Bungie has issued an apology, decoupled the special items from rebuying previous content, and effectively dropped the price to buy TTK + these special items by $20. If people want to complain about something I'd suggest they ponder why a Digital only Collectors Edition is the same price as a physical version that comes with books and maps and whatever else.

I think that's all valid. You can even shrug at them, but that doesn't mean they don't necessarily have validity to their point. The pricing all around is whack, including with your final example there. As for the apology, you get responses like this over on Reddit:

"I love that they have now added microtransactions under the guise of an apology and the entire destiny community is back in thumbs-up mode."

A lot of people have this feeling, too. At this point, Bungie can't really win beyond laughing all the way to the bank if people buy these items. There's still a lot of anger over the previous stuff and this new $20 price point, and it's not just on Reddit either (if you go reading around places, even places that usually give Bungie the benefit of the doubt). We'll have to wait and see where all of this goes. Either way, I understand why people are upset (from the price comparison point of view, the "entitlement" point of view that Mig was talking about in that one big DBO thread, and other points of view).

I also think that these can be really beneficial discussions to have.

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