
I meant to ask you- (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 19:19 (3279 days ago) @ Usul

That's a fair position that I think reasonable people can disagree on. In your opinion, what would justify the $40?

-Custom Games on Par with Halo 3 in terms of depth and options available

-Forge on Par with Halo Reach in terms of tool-sets

-Theater Mode on Par with Halo Reach

-Two Raids, each on Par with The Vault of Glass in terms of variety of encounter design and length.

-Two New Patrol spaces on Par with Venus/Earth in terms of scope

-A Forge-world-esque Multiplayer map.

-Story missions that tie up some of the untold number of loose ends in the vanilla game's narrative.

-Exotic bounties for any existing exotic weapons that don't have one.

That'll about cover it.

I'd probably pay more than $40 if the Taken King contained everything you've described. Custom games I couldn't care less about (that's just me, I know others really love the option), but Forge and Theater would be pretty great additions.

As far as the rest of what you've described, am I accurate in saying that you'd be happy if the Taken King contained ~2 times the content they've announced? So for you, the new expansion as announced would be worth maybe a maximum of $20 (and maybe even that's a stretch)?

If the Taken King was $20, I would definitely be more willing to consider picking it up.

At the same time though, the reason I included those *new* features in my list is because I find Destiny's feature-set and content to be wholly underwhelming, and to get me to continue playing it at all, Bungie needs to shake things up in ways that they have not shown they're willing (or maybe able) to thus far.

I also find your comparison of Destiny's campaign to Halo CE's in your other post above to be offensive and absurd, but that's not what this conversation is about, so I'll drop it.

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