
CHEAP beers? $60 could buy 20 bottles of cheap wine! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 17:58 (3279 days ago) @ Funkmon

If I had to pay $5 for a beer I'd throw up on the cashier just for suggesting it.

I'll buy 100 cans of Stroh's for that.

You're right, you ARE being taken advantage of! BY WHOEVER SELLS YOU "CHEAP" BEER!

What bar do you go to? Bars in here in LA charge $8 a beer on average, with the upscale ones selling at $14. I wish to god I was making that up. Good beer, of course - that's $14 for a snifter of Brother Thelonius, not some Blatz Ice, but still. It's a LOT to pay for a single drink.

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