
What's better than a Hawkmoon? (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, August 14, 2015, 19:39 (3486 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Naturally, the "best" weapon is going to be a Playstation exclusive. I swear... this just... walks away

Nah, that Tex Mechanica shotgun isn't a Playstation exclusive :)

Neither is the railgun. C'mon now.

What bugs me the most is that there is STILL PlayStation exclusives. I can understand (kind of) why there would be exclusives when a game launches, but seriously.

Not only does it look like Year 2 will also have a full year of PS-exclusive content, but from the looks of things, Bungie seems to be ramping up on the content.

The map is very unique (lots of platforming),
The Strike sounds very Raid-like (the GameInformer folks said it was the best of the strikes),
And the gun looks to have killer base stats (described as a sniper-like weapon).

This is going to rustle a few jimmies at launch, I'm sure...

The problem is, I highly doubt that Bungie is signing a new contract every year for exclusives. They could be. But either way, I don't think we get get enough frustration to make them stop doing it.

What really bugs me is how long it takes for the content to be non-exclusive! And the timing! We finally get the weapons when they are basically obsolete! And the maps? woohoo, we get more maps when a TON of new maps are coming out. It's the worse timing ever! A week before TTK launches would be better than at the same time!

It just rubs me in all the wrong ways. I basically feel like I'm getting tea bagged by PlayStation and Bungie. And I'm being tea bagged while I'm still alive, and I can't get up to do anything about it.

Just to play devil's advocate... you could have done something about it - a year and a half ago, before the game came out, but after they made it clear that the complete Destiny experience was going to be on Playstation and that there would be Playatation Exclusive content. If it really mattered to you to be able to play the maps and strikes, you were supposed to get the Playstation version - which is the entire point of exclusives. Sony decided that for some undisclosed sum of money, it was worth it for them to pay Activision for some exclusive Destiny content because that would mean a significant [enough] percentage of people would choose to buy a Playstation 4 instead of an Xbox One.

Yeah, exclusives are kinda crappy. But they are a part of life in the video game industry, and they will continue to be part of it because they work. If you don't want to feel teabagged, you can choose to get the version that comes with all the content that you really want, or you can decide to not play along at all, or you can decide to wait it out. One of the most basic principles of economics is opportunity cost and exclusives are a perfect example of that principle in practice.

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