
Any word on Exotics carrying over to Year 2 max damage? (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, August 14, 2015, 22:02 (3486 days ago) @ Speedracer513

This is still only circumstantial evidence -- but just the basic fact that Xbox is only now getting Hawkmkoon, Monte Carlo, and Fourth Horseman tells me that exotics will be upgradeable. It would be borderline unconscionable for Bungie to leave those weapons capped at year one values just as half the player base is eligible to get them. They also wouldn't be making such precise and deliberate tweaks to the weapon balancing of specific exotic weapons if their attack values were going to be immediately complete steps below all other weapons we will be encountering on the very day that those changes go into place.

If "year one exotics" (especially Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, and Fourth Horseman) are not upgradeable after September 15th I will consider that to be without-a-doubt the biggest shock, and biggest error in judgment, of the entire year one history of this game.

I doubt they'd go through the trouble of rebalancing them (specifically Hawkmoon) if they were intending for them to be left in the dust. Pretty sure Exotics are marching forward.

I don't want to let go of my Facade helmet, though. Either they are completely overhauling Raid gear with new armors, or they have to at least make the existing ones worthwhile (they do have unique perks specific to their respective raid/enemies). Especially since we're still going to have the existing raids... right?

I don't care about having Max Light if I have to give up my favorite armors. Heck, just last night, I ran a Hard raid with my awesome White-rarity Firebreak gauntlets:

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