
What's better than a Hawkmoon? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, August 14, 2015, 21:36 (3486 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Naturally, the "best" weapon is going to be a Playstation exclusive. I swear... this just... walks away

Nah, that Tex Mechanica shotgun isn't a Playstation exclusive :)

Neither is the railgun. C'mon now.

What bugs me the most is that there is STILL PlayStation exclusives. I can understand (kind of) why there would be exclusives when a game launches, but seriously.

Not only does it look like Year 2 will also have a full year of PS-exclusive content, but from the looks of things, Bungie seems to be ramping up on the content.

The map is very unique (lots of platforming),
The Strike sounds very Raid-like (the GameInformer folks said it was the best of the strikes),
And the gun looks to have killer base stats (described as a sniper-like weapon).

This is going to rustle a few jimmies at launch, I'm sure...

The problem is, I highly doubt that Bungie is signing a new contract every year for exclusives. They could be. But either way, I don't think we could get enough frustrated people to make them stop doing it.

What really bugs me is how long it takes for the content to be non-exclusive! And the timing! We finally get the weapons when they are basically obsolete! And the maps? woohoo, we get more maps when a TON of new maps are coming out. It's the worse timing ever! A week before TTK launches would be better than at the same time!

It just rubs me in all the wrong ways. I basically feel like I'm getting tea bagged by PlayStation and Bungie. And I'm being tea bagged while I'm still alive, and I can't get up to do anything about it.

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm gonna have to defend Bungie on this one. It's almost certainly and Activision and Sony deal rather than a Bungie and Sony deal. Marketing probably called Bungie and said "Hey, Sony is going to make us a pack-in game, pay for half of our advertising budget, and offer special support pricing on PS+ servers... so, uh, what can you give them for what's basically 100 million dollars? To which Bungie was like "two maps, a strike, two guns, and then some sets of crap armor no one will ever, and we mean ever care about."

I'd also wager that a degree of this "exclusive" deal was to keep Activision in Sony's good graces after all of the Call of Duty exclusives going to Microsoft. I hate that video game quality takes a backseat to corporate politics, but when it does, the developer is usually not the party to blame (in my professional experience).

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