
Any word on Exotics carrying over to Year 2 max damage? (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, August 15, 2015, 05:30 (3486 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Exotics are getting balance changes because of PvP, where they will still be useful regardless of attack. Gjallarhorn is getting the nerf because otherwise it would compete with year 2 rocket launchers at its current stats. I would not count on bringing your exotics with you nessesarily.

Thorn has gotten a buff against PvE enemies with the multi-stack.
No Land Beyond is getting a substantial PvE buff,
Gjallarhorn's nerf is PvE-focused,
And Ice Breaker? I quote, "The recharging ammo of Ice Breaker has become a staple for the PvE game. We don’t want to completely destroy that..."

The plan for you to keep the weapons. Otherwise, why bother if they would be made obsolete by white-rarity weapons?

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