
Wiping away the past (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, September 11, 2015, 17:12 (3458 days ago) @ General Vagueness

The nature of Destiny does not allow for preservation easily.

What can you back that up with?

It doesn't need back up. The game was conceived as a shared living (read evolving) world, and that means things change, and change involves new things being added and old things going away.

Like live theater, sometimes a new actor has to sub in for the original castee.

This isn't that much like that situation.
They could have had the new voice for the new lines and the old voice for the old ones and put in some in-universe justification. They could have had a toggle for the old lines (IDK how easy that would be but I guarantee it's possible). They could have hired better in the first place, and gotten someone who's a professional voice actor and/or not so famous and busy it would take a large amount of scheduling and money to get more lines.

They could have but they didn't and they have to continue developing the game.

Depending on the resources they were working with, they could've had the recurring events take place less frequently (or even on the same schedule because chaos is fun) and kept them where they were. They could've made them tie to the story differently so it made sense for them to continue, or invented new justification. They could've ignored the story concerns since Weksis the Meek coming back to life 50,000 times already stretches believability.
What's this about menu music? Is it just gone? I'm sure they could've not removed it.
There are so many things they could have done to preserve things more both initially and recently, and they didn't, and that's what upsets and worries me. The kicker is that if it was out on PC pretty much all of this would not concern me because people would have the old versions, the old code and data, and ways of keeping it and still experiencing it, but because it's only on locked-down consoles we only get what Bungie gives us, and if they take something away it's up to them or people who are more technically inclined than even most PC game mod people to keep it and make it playable.

No, because Destiny is a shared world with public spaces. If we're both there at the same time, my world can't be different than yours. Even if you hack something that keeps it like it was, you still need a playerbase with you. The restriction isn't the locked console--the restriction is that it's not only your world.

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