A Whole Passel of Updates

Looks like it's been almost a month since we posted a 'This Week At Bungie' on the front page. This is attributable to two things: PAX, and Forsaken. We're sorry. You should read all of the updates Bungie has posted, though, because they're FULL of info. On August 30,
they told us that Forsaken was coming, and gave us a roadmap for the next year or so. (They also told you to visit them at PAX, but you either did, or it's too late.)
On September 6, they teased the Raid, they offered free music, and they told us about issues that cropped up with Forsaken's launch.
And yesterday, there was more Raid info, a gorgeous gallery of Forsaken artwork, info about the upcoming Iron Banner, and the future of the Bungie Bounty program. (Among other things.) Although these didn't make our front page until now, they've been in our Update Archive since the day they each went live (
August 30 |
September 6 |
September 13). Definitely look them over. Lots and lots of good stuff. We'll try and do better.
Claude Errera | Sep 14, 2018 05:22 pm |