Search results for tag 'August'
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 matches
State of the Game - August 2023

Bungie posted a State of the Game article on their website. There are some big changes coming that will effect Ritual Challenges, Crucible, Gambit, armor and more. Plus some discussion about plans and goals for the upcoming year in Destiny 2.
Go check it out!
ManKitten | Aug 3, 2023 09:38 am |
DDD's August Destiny Recap
DattoDoesDestiny posted an August recap of Destiny news last week - if you feel like you might have missed some of the Destiny news that came out last month, this 6-minute video should summarize what we know, and help you feel comfortable that you're on top of the news to date.
Claude Errera | Sep 11, 2013 01:20 pm |