Search results for tag 'Weather'
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 matches
Destiny Dev Team Details Variable Weather on Europa

Here's a cool tidbit: Destiny 2 Beyond Light is getting some cool new weather systems to help Europa feel more dangerous and atmospheric. Weather conditions are now scriptable, and can affect things like fog, wind, and snow. They can also increase otherwise dormant environmental noises like buildings groaning under the weight of ice buildup. To read more, head on over to Bungie's
100% Chance of Snow article.
It'll be interesting to see if this scriptable weather comes to existing locations like the EDZ, or to the newly revived Cosmodrome that we're getting with Beyond Light.
Ragashingo | Sep 23, 2020 10:16 am |
At Bungie, Even the Weather Reports are Epic
Only our Guardians of the Seventh Column can make a sunny day seem like so much more. From their Twitter feed:
"It's amazing how the light of the unshielded daystar improves the mood at Bungie sevenfold. People are blissed out to be wearing shades."
And people wonder why we love them...
GrimBrother One | May 6, 2013 10:52 am |