Search results for tag 'desktop'
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Mystics of the Cloth user Irish Liberty unleashed a salvo of gorgeous wallpapers for everyone to download and share. You can find all five images in this gallery, so adorn your desktop with the textures of your favorite class!
ncsuDuncan | May 15, 2014 11:22 pm |
More Relics Uncovered

Part Three in a delightful series of doctored photographs. Nice work, Firestream!
ncsuDuncan | Feb 4, 2014 10:06 pm |
Add a Little Color to Your Fireteam

Cal Carlson from the group "Art and Stuff" let us know that he's made a quartet of simple wallpapers that transform a familiar fireteam into a beautiful splash of color. You can grab the group image above or the three solo portraits from this gallery Cal set up. Polychromatic!
ncsuDuncan | Aug 7, 2013 10:29 pm |
High-res Iconography user T1B3R1UMB0YXVI has created some very sharp desktop wallpapers featuring various logos from the Destiny universe. Check out this thread for the full collection of weathered images.
ncsuDuncan | Jun 16, 2013 03:36 pm |
A Classy Desktop Delivery

A mysterious backpack wasn't the only delivery DeeJ mentioned in the Mail Sack - four new wallpapers have been added to the Destiny gallery for your immediate viewing. Which class will adorn your desktop as we edge closer to E3?
ncsuDuncan | Jun 7, 2013 09:04 pm |
Get your browser to Mars.

If your desktop (or mobile device) needs a new wallpaper, Beorn has you covered with this gorgeous image he made for a (still secret) DBO project! There are a wide variety of picture resolutions available, so check out his post on the forum to find one that works for you.
ncsuDuncan | Jun 3, 2013 08:49 pm |
We're touched. (No, not that way.)

Firestream had some time today, and created a pair of DBO-specific desktops (
Variant 1 |
Variant 2) - grab one and show off our beautiful logo whenever you're at your computer! These are enormous - 3200x2400, weighing in at about 3.5 mb each - so you can scale them to almost any screen. If a DBO-specific desktop doesn't cut it for you, check out
his Tricorn version - 1920x1200, just over 300kb. Love this one too!
Claude Errera | Apr 4, 2013 11:53 am |
Straight from the source.
In addition to today's ViDoc, Bungie has released a wealth of new Destiny content at various official pages:
- has launched and provides links to a concept art gallery as well as a place where you can preorder the game (Xbox 360 and PS3).
- The Bungie Store has been updated, though currently you might have an easier time finding the new stuff on Amazon. New shirts, posters, decals, and a very limited edition lithograph!
- has a new media page with more concept art.
- The ARG from the past week has concluded and the reward is ample: a new page provides a number of beautiful desktops and a jaw-dropping taste of the Destiny soundtrack.
ncsuDuncan | Feb 17, 2013 12:09 pm |