Showing results 1 - 6 of 6 matches
Funkmon dove into three popular inventory management systems created by fans (and running outside the game) to show you the pros and cons of each, and help you streamline your gear management in Destiny. It's a fantastic read - check it out!
io9 has an opinion piece on genre storytelling in general, with a paragraph regarding Destiny specifically. The author thinks there's too much world/system/galaxy/universe-saving going on and the sci-fi and fantasy genres would benefit from more personal and relatable stories. It's also kind of interesting as the article uses DBO's own personal Twitter background as an illustration for the article, huh! Thanks to Malagate for pointing it out.
The speedy Cody Miller pointed out an opinion piece at GameInformer regarding Destiny - specifically what the author perceives to be a confusing narrative from the start. It's not a condemning piece - the critique is coming from someone who's actually enjoying the rest of the game and it's short and sweet so give it a gander!
Diehard GameFAN has an article entitled '10 Thoughts on The Destiny Beta' - they're solid thoughts. For folks following every snippet of content online, you probably won't find much new here - but for anyone who needs a quick refresher (or wants to read a summary of what we know so far from someone who's spent a little time putting ideas together), this is worth a read. Check it out!
While you're exploring personal opinions and screens, you might also want to poke your head into the Grimoire thread; it gives you a glimpse of some of the wealth of content you'll find outside the gameplay itself. Fascinating reading!
GenGame is unhappy that Destiny is just a retread of Halo, which was a retread of Marathon. (That, at least, is the premise of the opinion piece.) Geez, Bungie - couldn't you have come up with a more original story?