Showing results 1 - 8 of 8 matches
CruelLEGACY continues his series of funny takes on Destiny life but this time he's giving us five cartoons for the price of one!
Go read his forum post to see the rest of them!
CruelLegacy continues his comedy comics!
Apparently there's a new Star Wars movie or something coming out, and CruelLEGACY had some fun combining a squadron of Destiny jumpships and the nostalgia of a classic. Biggs would have been proud!
CruelLEGACEY continues to post Staring at the Sun comics on our forum (and has even adopted Beorn's suggested title!) - two new ones went up this morning. Both made me chuckle.
He's on a roll! CruelLEGACEY stopped by with another entry for his unnamed comic that I've decided to call Staring at the Sun. Behold:
CruelLEGACEY posted a new Lighthouse comic in the forum:
CruelLEGACEY has started putting together some amusing Lighthouse-themed comics. He hasn't given it a name yet, but I thought the title of the first worked pretty well, "Staring at the Sun."
Here are the first four: Staring at the Sun., Knock Knock, Relaxation, and LFG. Go check 'em out!