
Crucible Thoughts (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, October 19, 2017, 16:39 (2394 days ago) @ Malagate

seems like there is less team shotting in the casual playlist, which is probably due to there being more randos. I do think that going to 4v4 is bad, and it was especially noticeable in iron banner. once one team gets the upper hand, they can team shot all the spawn points.

Yep. And the relatively small map sizes (in part, because of the small team sizes) in general contribute to this.

I think the game skewing towards team tactics is exactly *one* of the changes that needed to be made. It's much more satisfying to me to be able to stick with a teammate and clean up just by virtue of combined fire, than to have one really skilled player run roughshod over the map killing my team while all his clueless blueberries bumble around and occasionally do some work on the objective.


The flip side of this is that, no matter how good of a player you are, you feel mostly worthless if you can't coordinate with your teammates, which essentially ruins solo queue play. I think that is very problematic.

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