
Don't say stupid things, Cody (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, October 30, 2014, 08:29 (3478 days ago) @ RC

The players have spoken, and many of them clearly do not want to play the game as Bungie intended.

People look for easy ways to do things - that's human nature.

If you present a challenge to me, and I come up with a novel, clever, and efficient solution, that should not be invalidated. Part of the problem with the Templar fix I have in principle is that it breaks the logic of the game. You have a platform you can reach. So it stands to reason you can stand there and snipe enemies, just as enemies do to you. When you can't, it breaks immersion.

A better solution would have been to place the platforms farther away, so they simply cannot be reached.

Bungie didn't patch out shield bumping which let you beat Keyes in 2 minutes.

Because they couldn't

Maybe you are right about Halo 1, but they sure fixed a lot in Halo 2, but left in enough fun for Campaign players.

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