The players have spoken (Destiny)

by yakaman, Thursday, October 30, 2014, 14:04 (3477 days ago) @ Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)
edited by yakaman, Thursday, October 30, 2014, 14:09

You can do the raid 50 times and come out with jack shit. People are tired of doing everything for nothing.

That rather depends on whether you're doing the raid for the reward or if you're doing the raid for the challenge, doesn't it?

-- Steve enjoys Destiny more than he thought he would upon first hitting level 20. It's far from perfect, but it's at least as far from the disaster people make it out to be.

Yeah. I've been pretty vocal about some of my disappointment, but I have to admit that it's been fun and rewarding for the most part. Maybe the most telling: I haven't been able to stop playing.

Right around 24-26 it seemed like I was stuck getting nothing, stuck without any hope of leveling, and then -BOOM- all of a sudden I was 28. And since then it's been 2 steps forward, 2 steps back as I upgraded stuff only to find other stuff I liked better. Hence, my drooling addiction to Ascendant Shards.

It helps that I'm in finally in love with my gear:
- Heart of the Praxic Fire - Exotic Armor let's me spam solar grenades, and pretty to boot
- Crypt Dweller SR1 - Legendary Scout Rifle that causes targets to explode on head shot
- Plan C - Exotic Fusion Rifle that bails me out
- The Swarm - Legendary Machine Gun that absolutely destroys in PvE and PvP

Are there warts? Sure. But I've found that I really enjoy bopping in for the Daily, dinking around on Patrol until a Public Event hits, and I especially love hammering through the Vanguard Tiger playlist over and over. It's pretty rewarding mashing through baddies with randoms, especially when the group gels a little. I've found randoms to be surprisingly pleasant to play with.

I think there are about (EDIT) 4 sources of frustration:

1.) Story issues (understood, granted, and well-discussed)
2.) Level progression (lack thereof, especially in the 24-26 doldrums)
3.) End-game content completion (nothing left to accomplish)
4.) (EDIT) Crucible wonkiness

I've played a ton of Destiny, and I'm pretty amazed that people have played through so much already. I still haven't completed a Nightfall, and have only made it to Atheon in the Raid once.

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