
Things that inexplicably aren't patched yet (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 08:40 (3402 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Speedracer513, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 08:44

Here's a list of things that I simply cannot believe haven't been in patches yet.

1. Skipping cutscenes. Broken since day 1.
2. Exp from missions not applying to weapons. Broken since day 1.
3. Losing heavy ammo on death. Broken since day 1. Bungie says this is "hard".
4. Bigger vault. Bungie says they are thinking about it. What's to think about? There's no downside.

Anything else?

#1 and 2 aren't bugs -- just design decisions that may not have been the best choice. 3 is absolutely the most frustrating bug that we deal with on a daily basis. 4 is not a bug - but absolutely one of the most important things they should do; always at the top of their request list and, as you say, I haven't heard anyone even feign a counterargument against it.

I will add to your list that (the lack of) private crucible matches is probably the most disappointing oversight.

Edit: Also, the game kicking you out of your menu way too often. I don't really have a problem with it kicking you out of the menu the moment a mission starts - but that should be the only time it happens. Trying to check my "overcharge" bounty progress when between deaths on The Dark Beyond, or remaining time on my "Network Codes" consumable when glimmer farming on The Exclusion Zone - and being kicked out of my menu FOUR times is unacceptable.

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