
Things that inexplicably aren't patched yet (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 13:04 (3401 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

3. Losing heavy ammo on death. Broken since day 1. Bungie says this is "hard".
4. Bigger vault. Bungie says they are thinking about it. What's to think about? There's no downside.

3. Ever play Janga? Ever play Janga with code?

4. Lets say the vault at max can be 1Mb (Which seems really small to me, but at the same time if its just a spread sheet number game then the vault would be rather cheap).

There are 9.5 Million Registered Players. That is 9.5 Terabytes (plus the rest of the game) that needs to be synced over the web/cloud across different types and qualities of "tubes" all over the globe and not break both ways.

Dude, the vault would be KILLOBYTES at most, not anywhere near a meg. You need to save what weapon, it's exp progression, and what slot it's filled in. That's a handful of numbers.

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