Devil's Advocate Time (Destiny)

by Earendil, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 15:53 (3402 days ago) @ stabbim

does kinda make sense for the reasons stated above.

If that's true, then riddle me this: why do I get XP applied equally to weapons and armor when I turn in a bounty for killing things with my super, or for hitting Hive with a sword?

At some point you do need to simply things :)
Having all bounties work the same, regardless of the breakdown of each bounty is just easier for us as players to comprehend. I don't have a problem comprehending why Kills apply to weapons, but I do understand (seriously no insult intended) that some people's capacity for comprehension is limited when it comes to games. Some want it super complicated and exacting, others want it straightforward and without guesswork.

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