Still makes sense to me (Destiny)

by Earendil, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 13:28 (3402 days ago) @ Cody Miller

2. Exp from missions not applying to weapons. Broken since day 1.

Your character completes missions (xp for char). Guns* kill things (xp for guns). I don't see the problem?

Because mission xp DOES get applied to your armor. It's supposed to apply to weapons, but does not for some reason.

Did Bungie acknowledge that it's supposed to but doesn't? If they did, I can accept that as a defect. Otherwise this design still makes sense to me.

A piece of armor's use could be measured by how many hits it takes. But that is impractical and open to gaming.

The more realistic way to measure the use of armor is to say that it protected the wearer for X amount of time. Or it survived X amount of time.

Said a different way, the use case for armor is to use it to survive a mission, thus the EXP is applied on a per mission basis.

A weapon's use is primarily measured by how it kills. Kill more things, you must be using it. It seems silly to me that you'd measure the use of a weapon by how long it "survived", or define the use case of a gun as keeping the guardian alive. I mean, if you're a staunch supporter of the "Guns for self defense" camp, then I suppose that's the use case. But I'm pretty sure in Destiny the use case is to make shit go bye bye :)

My understanding is that
Kills = Gun Exp
Survive mission = Armor EXP
Kills + Survive mission = Character EXP
Is that not correct?

The change I could see being made is that a kill also grants EXP to the armor, since a kill implies a confrontation that your armor helped you survive.

Now, I admit that not everything that "makes sense" or is "realistic" makes for the best game design given the context of a particular game. Maybe this is one of those cases. But it hardly bothers me.

Look, I like Marty a lot and think he's cool and very talented. But my personal opinion is that he is wrong on this one issue.

FTFY ;-)

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