
Things that inexplicably aren't patched yet (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, January 17, 2015, 19:51 (3399 days ago) @ Cody Miller

1. Skipping cutscenes. Broken since day 1.

I get you, but I personally don't care. I can watch 'em. Maybe a Left 4 Dead style, vote to skip?

2. Exp from missions not applying to weapons. Broken since day 1.

Yeah, that's kinda messed up.

3. Losing heavy ammo on death. Broken since day 1. Bungie says this is "hard".

Not a glitch--that's for punishment.

4. Bigger vault. Bungie says they are thinking about it. What's to think about? There's no downside.

There actually is one thing to think about. Having a bigger vault would allow us to add more items, but then we'd have no "penalty", no loss. 20 slots per category forces you to choose wisely on which guns you need and what you can afford to throw away. Just like only being able to hold two weapons in CE.

5. Audio sliders. Marty is gone. Now give us separate sfx / vox / music control like every other sensible game.

Heh heh. I guess you have a point there. If it gets me a chance to record that badass track from The World's Grave. That's not on the soundtrack, either.

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