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GameSpot Interview with Joe Staten

GameSpot sat down with Joe Staten today and talked to him about Destiny while running through the E3 demo. There are some great pieces of information in there, but this gem at the very beginning (when the camera is panning across the landscape) will be of particular interest to many fans,

This is all coming right out our engine. All that stuff, if you ran out there, it's all playable terrain. I mean, it's just a really powerful new engine that we've [built for Destiny].

Beorn | Jun 11, 2013 07:15 pm | link

Destiny Lands at E3

The Vanguard Report E3 2013

We got our first taste of real, live Destiny gameplay last night during the Sony E3 Press Conference, and boy what a show it was! While we wait for the official downloadable Gameplay Demo video from Bungie, you can relive the experience over on IGN in crisp 720p. In addition, Activision put together a gameplay trailer that has a few different elements from last night's presentation and showcases Destiny's music a little better. Be sure to check out both!

In addition, the DBO crew on-site at E3 will be updating The Vanguard Report with more information and impressions from the show floor, so be sure to keep an eye on those pages this week!

Update: We've also mirrored the screenshots and video in our Official Media section.

Beorn | Jun 11, 2013 09:40 am | link

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