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DeeJ's Video Tricornucopia

The ever-darling DeeJ has seen fit to bestow upon our awaiting earballs and eyeholes a minor trilogy of video featurettes chronicling the early goings of E3 setup and facilitation. Take a look at Booth, Press Rooms, and Rehearsal. May the Vanguard watch over you with vigilance and mercy as you view them.

TAGS: Bungie, E3, DeeJ, Video
GrimBrother One | Jun 12, 2013 03:55 pm | link

DBO at E3: Day One Photo Dump

DBO at E3

We've finally started uploading traveler content to our Vanguard Report page, beginning with a gallery of photos taken on Monday as DBO invaded the Microsoft and Sony press conferences. We also have a few shots from Tuesday's excursion to the Expo floor, so be sure to browse through to the end. There are more photo dumps to come (and maybe something more literary), so keep an eye on the Vanguard Report!

TAGS: E3, photo, gallery
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 03:28 pm | link

Control Your Destiny

Destiny PS4 Controls

If you were curious about the PS4 controller layout being used in the recent E3 demos, we've got you covered with this informative card we snagged from the Bungie booth. Keep in mind, everything is subject to change. (But yes, there is dancing and it looks groovy.)

TAGS: PS4, controls
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 03:01 pm | link

Preorder One For Yourself

Xenos let us know that Destiny preorders are now available for the upcoming Xbox One at Amazon. If that's your platform of fancy, go and plop down some spacebucks!

GrimBrother One | Jun 12, 2013 02:50 pm | link

Eight Movements from Marty, Mike, and Macca

Music of the Spheres

Do the snippets of Destiny music from the E3 demos leave you hungry for more? Looks like the main course is on the way, according to Marty's tease:

Music of the Spheres: A symphonic and choral suite in eight movements composed by Martin O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori, and Paul McCartney. Coming Soon.

Marty says it'll be fifty minutes long! Once again, all together now: "Are we there yet?" (Thanks for the head-up, Ragashingo.)

TAGS: marty, music
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 02:32 pm | link

GameInformer Interview with Harold Ryan

The Bungie Away Team is busy this week; the latest interview to hit our screens is GameInformer talking to Harold Ryan. Note that they've edited-out the questions, so it's just Harold giving answers back-to-back. The editing sort of breaks the continuity of the demo, but the piece still offers some fresh perspective on the news that we've been hearing out of E3.

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 11:58 am | link

Weapons While You Wait

Hand Cannon

The line for the Destiny booth has a neat slideshow showing off an armful of the weapons you can see in the demo. DattoDoesDestiny put together a video that'll give you the rundown, so check it out! (Thanks, electricpirate.)

TAGS: E3, weapons
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 08:13 am | link

Adam Sessler Interviews Joe Staten

Adam Sessler hosted a great interview with Joe Staten yesterday. It's the same format we've seen before with the interview happening over the E3 demo and Adam asks some good questions while letting Joe expand on the discussion. Be sure to give this one a viewing! Thanks (again), electricpirate!

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 07:20 am | link

Machinima Interview with Pete Parsons

The E3 Destiny interviews are rolling in! Bruce Green from Machinima talked to Pete Parsons yesterday for about 15 minutes, covering an array of topics including the campaign/multiplayer dynamic and the scale of playable space in Destiny (among others). Thanks, electricpirate.

Beorn | Jun 12, 2013 06:49 am | link

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's loot

polygon.pngPolygon has some comments from Harold Ryan about the thought process behind the gameplay demo showing at E3, as well as some tidbits about the loot system in Destiny - swing by and give it a read!

TAGS: polygon, e3, ryan
Claude Errera | Jun 12, 2013 06:51 am | link

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