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Marty I'm Amazed

Paul, Marty, and Mike

Edge has posted a fascinating interview with Bungie composer MartyTheElder Martin O'Donnell, and though the focus of the article is Paul McCartney's involvement with Destiny, Marty offers some very interesting insights into the future of the game's soundtrack:

I’m hoping there’s enough substance there that as Destiny develops into the future we can keep adapting that score, arranging and growing new themes that are the germs of ideas right now in the suite. That’s the general plan right now. It allowed us to do a purely musical approach that can be adapted over the next number of years.

Check out the full article for more Music of the Spheres teases and the story on how a Beatle came to work on a Bungie project. (Thanks for the spam, Kermit.)

ncsuDuncan | Aug 1, 2013 10:31 pm | link

Great Expectations

Xenos pointed out a short blurb on CVG that highlights two quotes from Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg, who mentioned Destiny during an Activision-Blizzard earnings call earlier today:

We strongly believe we are on pace to set the all-time pre-order record for a new IP. [...] Based on what we've seen we believe that Destiny has the potential to become the third active billion dollar franchise in the Activision Publishing portfolio.

Whoa. Hopefully Activision remembers to be nice to the goose!

ncsuDuncan | Aug 1, 2013 09:44 pm | link

Fan Art from Destiny Dispatch

The two pieces of fan art you see above come from the folks at Destiny Dispatch, who just launched a new fan site and accompanying podcast. If you like the art style, keep an eye out for more - it sounds like this is only the first wave!

ncsuDuncan | Aug 1, 2013 09:21 pm | link

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